The Fish Market
The Fish Market is, just like Pazar, one of the central points of the city life of Split, but also an interesting architectural monument, built over 120 years ago in Secession style. It is important to note that its meaning for the citizens of Split greatly transcends this merely “physical” dimension. All that the Adriatic sea can offer comes to its tables, from sprats, picarels, sardines, mackerels, to more expensive redscorpion fish, dentex, red porgy, sea bass, lobsters, sea shells… The only thing that’s missing are flies, it seems that they don’t care for the smell of sulphur coming from the neighbouring spa, one of the reasons why Diocletian, burdened by rheumatism, chose exactly this place to build his Palace. Just like on Pazar, the Fish Market, or Peškarija, as the locals call it, will make you feel the affiliation of Split and Dalmatia to the Mediterranean, its culture and civilization.
Peškarija has become too small for Split long time ago, but it is too valuable for the preservation of the city’s spirit for anyone to even think of giving it up. The visitors coming to the fish market for their “portion” of Split are also very aware of this fact.

The outdoor market – Pazar, is located right next to the east wall of the Diocletian Palace, and around the church of St Dominic. It is one of the central places of life in Split, and recently its becoming also a popular destination for tourists eager to feel the local spirit. The outdoor market used to be on today’s Fruit Square, but due to the rapid city development there was a need for a bigger space, and today that part of the city’s core is the true belly of the city of Split. At the same time it is the place where you can still feel the spirit of Dalmatia and the Mediterranean, the colours, flavours and aromas of fresh fruits and vegetables, but also the sounds, the yelling and bargaining, all of the above will without a doubt be a clear clue to where you are at that moment. Of course all that you can buy on the open market can also be bought in any supermarket, even cheaper, but nothing can replace the local atmosphere.